User Preferences

The user preferences give you a bit of control of how some views of the HSD Versions Cleaner behave. To open the user preferences window choose  HSD Versions Cleaner -> Preferences … or press  [ , ] .

The screenshot below shows the user preferences window with the default preferences settings:

The user preferences window divides into two areas:

Each of these areas is explained by an appropriate subsection below.

Font styles for imported root directories (and their content)

As already stated within the chapter  Importing and Removing Root Directories  (see the section  ‘Deep mode and flat mode root directories’  there), there are two kinds of root directories. If both kinds of root directories would be shown without any differences within the  Navigator View’s  table, it wouldn’t be possible to distinguish them. 

Imagine the situation when a user has forgotten that a root directory is imported in flat mode. In this case it may happen that this user is wondering some day why a file, that belongs to a subdirectory of the imported (flat mode) root directory, is not shown within the  Navigator View’s  table although he or she knows that there must be at least one old file version snapshot for this file.

In order to avoid such an irritation the  Navigator View’s  table shows deep mode root directories and flat mode root directories - including or excluding their content - in different font styles.


These settings define which logging information is written out by the  Logging View  and how many logging entries shall be kept.

Logging Level

As mentioned within the section describing the  Logging View  in detail, there are different kinds of information that may be sent to the  Logging View . The following list shows what kind of information will be written out for a certain logging level:

If a privileged logging level is active, all information sent for a less privileged one will be written out, too, of course. For instance, if the logging level is set to  Supervisor  both  User  and  Supervisor  information will be written out, but no information sent for the  Debug  logging level.

Generally the  User  logging level should be sufficient most of the time - if not always. Very inquiring users may perhaps switch to the  Supervisor  logging level. Switch to the  Debug  logging level only if you feel that the HSD Versions Cleaner behaves somehow strange in certain situations. If you want to  email  a bug report to us, appending a  Debug  logging output might help us a lot.

Maximum of logging entries to keep

With this value you can define how many logging entries shall be kept in memory. Every time the total number of logging entries exceeds this value after a new logging entry has been added the oldest logging entry will be removed.

A value of about 100 or so should be more than sufficient for the  User  logging level. If you switch to one of the two privileged logging levels you should also increase this value significantly. But keep in mind that more and more memory will be consumed the more information entries are added to the  Logging View  (but you can, however, free up that memory again by clearing the  Logging View ).

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