Case Studies

Each of all possible automatic deletion criteria combinations can be assigned to exactly one of four criteria groups:

The following subsections provide case studies for each of these criteria groups. For all these case studies the following initial situation is assumed:

The figure below illustrates how these old file version snapshots are grouped depending on their age:

Criteria group 1


Older than: One Month

 More than: Ignore Count

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

Criteria group 2


Older than: Ignore Age

 More than: 300

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

Note that even if the age criteria is ignored automatic deletion always deletes the oldest old file version snapshots, of course.

If new snapshots are added within an extremely short time span (even for different files) automatic deletion doesn’t start a riot. In such cases it delays deletion of old file version snapshots and carries on with doing its job as soon as things calm down again. 

Criteria group 3

Settings example 1:

Older than: One Month

          - And -

 More than: 300

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

Settings example 2:

Older than: One Month

          - And -

 More than: 100

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

Criteria group 4

Settings example 1:

Older than: One Month

          - Or -

 More than: 300

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

Settings example 2:

Older than: One Month

          - Or -

 More than: 100

When applying these settings, automatic deletion performs the following steps:

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